Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Seahorses 2 - Monotype

Both prints came from the same plate, as you can see the one with the more intense colors was my first print, and the second one I manipulated some of the elements. When I ran it thru the press, there was less ink on the plate, so I got two different images of the same theme.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

"Inside Animals Minds" Article

Photograph by Vincent J. Musi  National Geographic Magazine

I'm sure by now you all know I love dogs. My mother gets the National Geographic magazine in Spanish and last time I went to visit her, she gave me the March issue of 2008. Well, there is a great article about animal's minds. If I could only get my dogs to do a quarter of the things that Betsy does, I would be really happy!! Just Kidding! I'm still happy if they do not even know the command "sit" :o) Check out the video and the article from National Geographic.
There is also some interesting facts about other animals and their unique abilities.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Hope for Art - Workshops

Monotype by Maria Wargo

Last Year I attended one of their workshops and I loved it. It was 4 or 5 days of painting and learning new techniques. The workshop was called Making Monotypes: Hand Printing with Water-Based Inks. I also had the pleasure to be instructed by one of the creators of the water inks, Susan Rostow. I had worked with those inks in the past and it is amazing how great it is to paint without breathing in toxic fumes from oil based inks. The Akua Kolor inks have giving me the opportunity to be healthy and enjoy painting so much more. Another great thing is the quick and easy to clean , water and a sponge and you are done in no time.
I'm hoping that I can make it for their upcoming workshop called Clay Monoprints on February 19th, 2008.
Check their website for upcoming workshops at

Susan Rostow having a final look at our work and giving us
some overview of what we've learned and how each 
person applied the techniques to their art.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Arizona

Frank Lloyd Wright, the most famous architect of  the United State of America. I love his work and I was so happy to see one of his more known buildings. It was a great tour even though it was about 110 Fahrenheit. July! ... crazy I know! We did the last tour of the day ... about 6:30 pm and the beautiful sunlight made the color of his work looked like it was just built ... so alive.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Flowers - Monotype

Autumn leaves - Monotype

Snake - Monotype

Illustration of Gia

Gia is my new dog. I adopted her 3 months ago. She is a sweet heart. I love dogs and I like to do illustrations of them. So if you like to get an illustration of your dog please e-mail me and let me know. All I need is a good photo of your dog. I'm working on new site where you can order it and pay online. Coming soon!